



Catalysti is an association to make artists of non-Finnish origin more visible and audible. It gathers transcultural artists living and working in Finland, and is also open to Finnish artists with a transcultural background. Since 2013 Catalysti has produced more than forty art events driven by transcultural artists. Catalysti stands for diversity in the art and cultural field, aiming to shift and shake the borders between native and foreign in Finnish society.
All art fields are represented and welcome. Catalysti creates networks and possibilities for transcultural artists in the Finnish art field, gathering at the moment about 160 members.
What is Catalysti doing?
– creating a network of transcultural artists
– offering information and advice about possibilities for artists in Finland
– promoting transcultural activities and events
– dealing with cultural policies
– maintaining this website and archive, spreading information via social media
– organising workshops about portfolios, grants, and other useful matters

