Aalto galleries
University gallery
The Aalto exhibition hub is a landing page for the diverse exhibition activities being organised by the Aalto community. Everyone is welcome to find what they’re looking for including the wider public interested in exhibitions, visitors, alumni, prospective students and professors.
As a leading Art & Science University, Aalto supports different uses of exhibition spaces to showcase the innovative and creative research of Aalto’s six schools. These include, but are not limited to pedagogical exhibition activities such as course outcomes, student organised projects, conference exhibitions and educational events. In addition, the Exhibition team curates and coordinates several cross-disciplinary, thematic projects each year both on campus and at partner locations to share these activities with the wider public.
Aalto galleries consist of:
– Väre, Otaniementie 14
– Undergraduate School, Otakaari 1
– Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniementie 9
– Dipoli Gallery, Otakaari 24
– M8 Art Space, Maarintie 8
– Aalto Studios Gallery Lounge, Otakaari 7