Arlene Tucker: Living Heritage workshop with Collective Intelligence
Arlene Tucker: Living Heritage workshop with Collective Intelligence
15:06 – 15:06
As part of Collective Intelligence activity,
artist Arlene Tucker will offer a workshop on intangible heritage on 14.12. from 15:00 to 17:00.
Entrance open to everybody.
Arlene Tucker is an Ambassador of Living Heritage for the Finnish Heritage Agency (Museovirasto).
In this role she invites Collective Intelligence and guests, and Myymälä2 community to participate in a workshop where you will hear about the UNESCO Convention related to living heritage, we will together discuss and collect information on living heritage and choose one element that could be added to the Wiki-inventory for Living Heritage
Living heritage or intangible cultural heritage (ICH) means practices, expressions, knowledge and skills that communities recognize as part of their cultural heritage. It can include for example performing arts, crafts, oral traditions, social practices and festivities or knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe. The project is related to the UNESCO Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Read here more about the work under the Convention in Finland.
Wed 14 Dec 2022 Closed today
Uudenmaankatu 23 F
00120 Helsinki