
Bambi Forever!

Bambi Forever!




11:30 – 19:00


clear sky


The exhibition presents for the first time Raimo and Maarit Huttunen’s art collection – assembled with passion and long-term vision – which they have donated to HAM. The works reflect on the complexities and contradictions of what it means to be human. 

The artworks are painterly and expressive, conveying sadness and melancholy, but also hope and humour. They reflect on the complexities and contradictions of what it means to be human. The exhibition features Finnish painting, graphic art and photography spanning from the 1990s to the present.

The featured artworks are from a collection donated to HAM by Raimo and Maarit Huttunen, who ran Helsinki’s Bakeliittibambi Gallery from 1996 to 2007. Their distinctive collection has been assembled with passion, long-term vision and a sensitive eye for fringe phenomena. HAM received the first instalment of the donation in 2018. The collection is constantly expanding with new donations, currently comprising over 300 works.

Featured artists: Maija Albrecht, Bo Haglund, Hannaleena Heiska, Tiina Heiska, Outi Heiskanen, Kirsi Jokelainen, Johannes Kangas, Johanna Kiivaskoski, Mauri Kuitula, Katri Kuparinen, Jenni Lahtinen, Riikka Lenkkeri, Angelika Littwin-Pieper, Heikki Marila, Elina Merenmies, Rauha Mäkilä, Lotta Määttänen, Ulla Paakkunainen, Paavo Paunu, Tarmo Paunu, Marja Pirilä, Laura Pohjonen, Aurora Reinhard, Heidi Romo, Ray Rummukainen, Jaakko Rustanius, Janne Räisänen, Maiju Salmenkivi, Heimo Suntio, Hanna Tammi, Katja Tukiainen, Kirsti Tuokko, Anssi Törrönen, Arto Väisänen, Hannu Väisänen, Riitta Åkerstedt.

The exhibition also engages in a dialogue with The Girl Who Turned into a Rosebush exhibition in the adjacent halls.

Fri 08 Mar 2024 – 19 Jan 2025 11:30 – 19:00


clear sky

Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 8
00100 Helsinki