Curatorial School of May: Mapping the belonging
Curatorial School of May: Mapping the belonging
14:55 – 14:55
The mediation events are curated collective experiences that will activate specific themes of Helsinki Biennial 2023 through and beyond the artworks. As part of Helsinki Biennial 2023 Art Mediation Forum, the Curatorial School of “May” has curated three experiences that will be held twice for a total of six events during the summer. The name of the events is rooted from the biennial’s 2023 edition name “New Directions May Emerge”. Each particular event is unique and will be shaped by the participants’ contributions and responses.
All events are organised and led by a group of students from ViCCA (Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art MA major, Aalto University). ViCCA @ Aalto Arts is one of the curatorial intelligences of Helsinki Biennial 2023.
Mapping the belonging
Curated and facilitated by Clément Beraud
25.7. klo 14:00
8.8. klo 14:00
Mapping the belonging is an exercise in psychogeography – an investigation on how a specific location, in this case the Island of Vallisaari, can affect the emotions and behaviour of a person. As participants, our point of departure will be the ‘utility maps‘ drawn by Helsinki Biennial 2023 art technicians. These are maps that represent the different experiences they had during the installation of some of the artworks of this biennial. During this event, while we build on their mapped perceptions and walk through their experiences, we will also depart (or dérive and wander across multiple artworks and installations on the island) to create our own mapped journey of our individual experiences during the visit.
Meeting at: Meeting outside Harbour Café, Torpedo Bay, Vallisaari island, at 13:45
Duration: 1,5 – 2 hours
Maximum amount of participants: 15
Language: English
Note: Paper and pencils will be provided. We will be visiting different sites and artworks on the island, if you wish to track your movements on an app, please bring your smartphone.
All events are free of charge but participants are kindly asked to purchase the appropriate ferry ticket in advance. The group will move around Vallisaari.