Fragile and Strong
Fragile and Strong
Elina Melgin, Anu Merenlahti, Merja Nieminen
Life is vulnerable but resilient. It consumes itself with sadness and grows new in its place.
The eternal cycle of growth and withering undermines the experience of the permanence and uniqueness of one’s own life. What seemed to last can disappear in the blink of an eye. What we thought was left behind comes back in a new form.
The three artists of the Fragile and Strong exhibition deal with the themes of semblance and temporaryness in their works.
paints abstracted horizons where one can wander in the illusion of freedom and harmony. What do we cling to if everything seems to evaporate into thin air? What do we need to survive in the imperfection of reality? He paints in Studio + Galleria Rio11 in Jätkäsaari and in his studio in Karjaa.
the paintings dive into moments where change awaits. Memories of the past corrode and drain away. The future is like an icy opening, full of unknown pain and pleasure. He makes paintings at Studio + Galleria Rio11 in Jätkäsaari.
makes ceramic sculptures depicting fragility and instability. In the works of the exhibition, the starting point is weak huts and shelters. He has an office in Billnäs.