HPC Goes Puisto
HPC Goes Puisto
18:00 – 21:00
Helsinki Poetry Connections Open Mic-summerclub HPC Goes Puisto! Keeps on giving in it’s all summerly glory. We’ll be meeting in Alppipuisto 17.6. from 6.00 PM to 9.00 PM We are about to see poetry’s ever flourishing creativity in it’s furry glory. Concept is that we sit in a park in good company and warmly sunny atmosphere, listening to poetry and getting inspired by it.
Afternoon starts with two warm-up performers, and after that comes the main performers, being you, get the stage for use, to interpret your self-written poems. Pretty much everything that you can call poetry with a straight face is allowed, as long as you keep your trousers on, consider the safer space, and keep your performances under four minutes.
HPC-GP is hosted by Katja Korhonen, also known from Open Mic, together with Jussi Kiova, also known from Tenhos Poetry Slams. You are warmly welcome!
Warm-up performers will be announced at a later date.
In Helsinki Poetry Connection ry’s events we don’t tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind. We gather to shared experience with peace, creativity and compassion. Please check our safer space instructions from HPC’s Word Wide Web-site: