
Joe McGill: Phenonmena

Joe McGill: Phenonmena




12:00 – 17:00

I am a self taught artist, born in Ireland. I create through multiple disciplines but mainly painting, sculpture and the written word. I work in a minimal fashion, taking as gospel the maxim ‘less is more’. For many years I have been interested in things of a spiritual nature. My youngest self was moulded by the rigidity of Christianity, in particular the Catholic Church which however I discarded at the first opportunity in favour of simply thinking for myself. Buddhism came to me almost forty years ago, and I have made of it a study ever since. I try to keep some precepts and I practice meditation every day. I attempt to create a silence in my work with just a little edginess to it’s character. This I believe is the common thread that runs through the different facets of my output whether it be painting, sculpture, constructions, art trouvé or written poetry for example;






My work therefore may be used as a focus aid for meditation and contemplation, but not exclusively so. 

Joe MCGill (b. 1955 Dublin, Ireland) is a visual artist living and working in Helsinki, Finland.

Wed 01 Feb 2023 – 19 Feb 2023 12:00 – 17:00