
Kamila Sladowska: Growing Interconnectedness

Kamila Sladowska: Growing Interconnectedness




12:00 – 20:00




”Growing interconnectedness” is an exhibition that seeks for cultural interconncetion of body and mind to ecosystems, sourcing inspiration from soil, water and all the diversity they cotribute to. Eco-erotic metaphoras appear as ways to form empathies. The motifs source inspiration from hydrofeminist thought. “The painting research is also part of my personal struggle to work through the cultural oppresion of sexuality and nature that I have experienced in my life, growing up in a place were both are surpressed by religion and capitalist customs at the same time. Painting is a tool to pose questions and affirmations on the bodily relationship to ecosystems. Eco-erotic metaphoras included in the immersive installation aim to find new forms of coexistence building an empowered feminist voice in the times of climate catastrophe.”

During the opening Kristīne Tukre will perform a herb brew instrument that has been built in collaboration with Mark Reid Bulatovič and Robert Prakapovich.

Welcome, and see you at Asbestos Art Space on 23rd of November at 18:00.

Kamila Śladowska (she/her) is a Helsinki based visual artist born in 1996 in Warsaw, who works with various media, focusing on painting. Being raised in the anthropocene, she tries to learn about painting from more-than-humans. The artist researches topics of diversity and cultural anthropology in the context of post-humanism. Sladowska investigates the relationship of human and more-than-human. Her paintings depict intimate bodily and cultural connection to ecosystems. In the past years she has been working on interconnected immersive painting ecosystems. Sladowska makes effort to work with recycled materials or using slow techniques in order to reduce the harmful footprint of painting process. She has studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Esbama Montpellier and MSKPU in Warsaw. Her work has been shown in multiple venues in Europe.

Thu 23 Nov 2023 – 03 Dec 2023 12:00 – 20:00



Kristianinkatu 16
00170 Helsinki