
Nordic Culture Club – December

Nordic Culture Club – December




16:28 – 16:28



3.12.2022 18:00–21:00

Nordic Culture Point, Suomenlinna B28, Helsinki, Finland

Languages: English, Finnish

Welcome to our club at Suomenlinna!

Come Clean to the Island’ is a one time event that takes place on Saturday 3 December at Nordic Culture Point’s headquarters in Suomenlinna. The unique event curated by Pedro Riva hosts 3 performances that combine ideas about the meaning of cleanness in a humorous manner. Doors open 18:00; food happening starts at 18:30 followed by performances.

Nordic Culture Club is free to attend and refreshments are always on offer.

PLEASE NOTE: Nordic Culture Club – December is exceptionally held on the first Saturday of the month!

Sonja K. Donner (b.1994) is an artist, writer and amateur chef living and working in Helsinki. In their practice, Donner uses cooking, installation, and text-based work to explore emotions, places and relationships connected to gathering and living together.

Their current interest lies in dramaturgical spaces that are born through the language and practice of domestic work, the everyday and celebrations of one’s family, relatives, loved-ones; accentuating how this work can contain radical, intimate and magical means for telling stories, examining one’s identity, and challenging personal as well as collective histories.

Koppen & Jorkjen is a Norwegian performance duo consisting of visual artists Finn Adrian Jorkjen and Henrik Koppen. They present ritualistic performances and create audio dramas, which is a part of their world building and expansive personal mythology. They combine elements from religion, pagan tradition and popular culture. In their work they pose fundamental questions around identity, creation, death and fertility from a queer perspective.

Criminal Catwalk is a multidisciplinary experiment combining music, text, visual arts, performance, and fashion. Inspired by Supreme Court sentences, Heta Bilaletdin,Karoliina Korvuo,Kolya Kotov, Julia Zastava, and Pedro Riva, present in a catwalk form with live music and four performers on stage, 10 stories about the domestic life of a variety of characters.

Nordic Culture Club is a venue for cultural practitioners and enthusiasts from across the Nordic Region and around the world. Here, we experiment with and present unique interdisciplinary experiences with a mix of everything from dance, music, performances and interactive experiences to monologues, catwalks, drag, quizzes, installations, video works, and much, much more.

Fri 25 Nov 2022 Closed today



Suomenlinna B 28
00190 Helsinki Finland