
Photobook Club Helsinki 

Photobook Club Helsinki 




13:32 – 13:32

With: pbff

New things coming up! Photobook Club Helsinki is starting again after a very long break. This time as a PBFF project. The Photobook Club is a international network of photobook related meet-ups, in Helsinki we will meet every first wednesday of the month, 6-8 p.m., starting 1.2.2023 at Multipöly @multipoly_publishing in Vallila, Eurantie 8-10 LH 209. ????

Bring a photobook you want to show to others. Everybody is welcome. ❤️ 

Our idea is to meet at different locations related to books, publishing and bookmaking. We are also keen on salon type of events at peoples homes.

Wed 01 Feb 2023 Closed today