Reading matters: Aeropolis
Reading matters: Aeropolis
04:44 – 04:44
clear sky
28 Feb 2024 18:00 — 20:00
Location: SOLU
With a new collection of books recently purchased for our library, including recommendations from members, we invite you to come and read them with us.
Reading matters is a regular reading circle that activates the SOLU library and brings people together to discuss matters connected to our projects and wider programme, in turn feeding them too with new information and operating as an incubator for thoughts and exchange. On occasion the reading circle is hosted by guest hosts who will open up their research and offer an opportunity to think-with others. Welcome to SOLU Space to converse, have discourse and interrelate!
During the Reading matters sessions, the SOLU reference library of the Bioart Society is open for those interested. The library is an important resource for us, our members and different publics to access books and materials from our projects, members, partners and the wider field of art and science. The library is a space dedicated to encountering ideas, discourses and practices, and fosters an environment for critical reflection and discussion.
The library is open for visitors from 12:00-18:00 on the Reading matters session days, and by appointment. To arrange a visiting appointment during other times, please contact
For our first Reading matters session we will read a chapter from Nerea Calvillo’s recently published book Aeropolis: Queering Air in Toxicpolluted Worlds. The book ‘immerses us in air’s materiality’ and the selected section we will read specifically deals with toxicity and pollution (Chapter: Breathing pollution (and toxicity) p. 78-103). More on the book below.
Aeropolis: Queering Air in Toxicpolluted Worlds by Nerea Calvillo
How do we get to know air? Aeropolis: Queering Air in Toxicpolluted Worlds offers a speculative and interdisciplinary framework to reorient common understandings of air and air pollution as matter ‘out there’. Aeropolis contests regimes of managing air which ultimately operate toward upholding dominant modes of world-making that are dependent on forms of exclusion and inequity. Instead, Aeropolis proposes that air is thought of as a city, to center its social, cultural, political, ecological entanglements. Drawing upon feminist technoscience and queer ecological frameworks, Aeropolis moves away from solutions toward a methodology of ‘designing-thinking-making’ that redirects and connects our understandings of air — as designers, as citizens — with ongoing struggles for just futures.
Moving through a series of design interventions, histories of air, and theoretical coordinates, Aeropolis thinks with air across its many forms — through smog and dust, bodies and breath, pollen and weeds, and from urban design to geopolitics, polluted environments to open data, parks to aerial infrastructures. It insists that we acknowledge the diversity of air and its relation to humans, non-humans, and environments, both physically and affectively. That we become sensible to air by following its unruliness — by living, breathing, seeing, holding, touching, queering airs.
Nerea Calvillo is an architect and researcher; an associate professor at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick; and an adjunct associate professor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation.
To receive a copy of the text in advance please contact before the 27th February. The text will also be collectively read aloud at the start of the reading circle.
Wed 28 Feb 2024 Closed today
clear sky
SOLU Space, Panimokatu 1 (3rd floor), Helsinki