Tumma kukka (Dark Flower)
Tumma kukka (Dark Flower)
08:31 – 08:31
broken clouds
Graduation Week MUU Matinee:
Piia Rinne & Miia Rinne
Tumma kukka (Dark Flower)
live installation
Wednesday 29 May 2024 at 6–8 PM
MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre
Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1 C, Helsinki
Sound: Piia Rinne (c-cassette loops, samplers, multitrack recorders)
Space: Miia Rinne (hand-painted 35 mm film, video image, folds)
The 2024 MUU Matinee spring semester fittingly ends on graduation week, in a giant bouquet of audiovisual flowers. Or a whole exotically sprawling flower shop more like!
Tumma kukka (Dark Flower) is an installation melding physical tape loops with iridescent video projections, freed to sprout and blossom on site.
Piia Rinne crafts music where samples of old cassette tapes stretch, disintegrate and glide thru the ether, ectoplasmically regrouping into new layers of sound. Source material is cut, glued and played-along, distorted into curling, sticky beat contortions by fuzzy logic. The outcome then seeks to coagulate with the intriguingly multi-faceted visuals of Miia Rinne, projected on veils of foldy fabric and diverse atypical surfaces.
Recent collaborations of the artists – valued and long time active in their separate fields of visual and performing arts – have aroused admiration in the underground both in Helsinki, Tampere and on the west coast. The effect of their masterly controlled free form concerts is now stepped up one more notch, as the performance gets ballooned into a pop-up live installation at MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre.
The Wednesday program and the artists will be presented by MUU Matinee’s host Tom Backström at the event.
Wed 29 May 2024 Closed today

broken clouds
Tallberginkatu 1 C,
00180 Helsinki