





08:08 – 08:08


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Vincent Roumagnac
Reacclimatizations 3 (Tokyo)

13-16.4 2023

24/7 window display 

January 2023. I have returned to Tokyo for the first time after the pandemic closure. I am staying in Nakameguro. In front of the window of the little apartment generously lent by a dear friend, on the opposite side of the street I see the edge of a hedge of tsubaki (camellia) and momiji (maple tree). I am smiling because the shape of it looks like the floral pattern of my project Reacclimatizations. 
A little later in residence in Kyoto, I make, from a glitched photograph of the Tokyo edge of hedge, a miniature model of Nuihaku. 
From April 13 to 16, a human-sized version of this Nuihaku model, made of home-made fake satin, is on display 24/7 in Työhuone’s window.
Nuihaku is a traditional Noh theatre costume. It is a short-sleeved robe made of satin, mainly worn by male actors playing young female protagonists. 

Previously in Reacclimatizations project:…/reacclim…

Vincent Roumagnac is a Helsinki-based Basque-French artist and researcher. Initially trained as an actor and a director, Roumagnac drifted away from “straight theatre”’s infrastructures and regimes of production to look at how the notion and practice of the “stage” transform through contemporary climate-morphing and techno-ecological conditioning. For this, he has proposed, and has been implementing with, the tentative ecodramaturgical notions of “redirecting/deepening/reacclimating” the stage, and “reecologizing” theatre. In parallel, Vincent has been practicing floral design, based on the techniques learned in his youth in a family of florists and gardeners, and on the practice of ikebana he has developed during several stays in Japan. His work is currently supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation (SKR).

Thu 13 Apr 2023 – 16 Apr 2023 Closed today


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Pengerkatu 7
00530 Helsinki