18:00 – 21:00
clear sky
We welcome you to a four-session workshop with Mariano Pacheco introducing the concept, history, and practices of Popular Economy in Argentina (contents description below).
Thursdays – April 11th and 18th
Tuesdays- April 23rd and May 7th
Time: 18.00 – 21.00hrs.
Popular economy—as a movement, underlines the collectivization of caregiving to build tendencies of social valorization, and popular organization as a tool of struggle for the restitution of labor, social, and cultural rights.
The Popular Economy in Argentina emerged as people’s power to contest historical, cultural and social inequalities, and to change the structural exploitation in and beyond the workplace. In the face of informality, unemployment, and poverty the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP) was launched in December 2019 as a collective organization to combat the precarization of work and protection for the excluded from the labor market. UTEP continues to grow from the experiences of Piquetero Movement during the 1990s and with the First International Women’s Strike in 2017.
This introductory workshop is directed to individuals, groups, collectives, and organizations engaged in political, social, economic, environmental, and cultural movements. It aims to debate the potential exercise of popular economic forms in Nordic and Baltic contexts, and the future intersectional basis of collective organization.
It consists of presentations and insight experiences, followed by group discussions. Visual and textual materials can be available as complementary. You don’t require previous knowledge or experience in the subject to attend. Sessions will be hybrid (online and in-person), attendance in person is encouraged. The presentations will be held in Spanish language with English amateur translation. There will be vegetarian food available for attendees. Brave space exchanges are encouraged, underlining a zero-tolerance policy for harassment and discrimination.
This is organized on a mutual-aid basis, we suggest considering (0-15€) donations for each session. You are welcome to attend even if you cannot donate. Larger contributions are also welcome, the proceedings will support our Argentinean comrades’ work. Voluntary support for the well-being of these sessions is welcomed. If you wish to help with work or as a sponsor please contact us.
This workshop is convened and facilitated by Diego Bruno and David Muñoz-Alcántara. Please feel free to get in touch if you have questions:
Mariano Pacheco.
Writer, journalist, and militant. Mariano was part of the birth of the Piquetero Movement in the nineties, as a representative for the Movement of Unemployed Workers (MTD) that organized the Aníbal Verón Coordinating committee, he was part of the birth of the CTEP and later the UTEP, as instruments for unionizing the Popular Economy.
Author of the books Democracy in Question, the long march towards emancipation (Indómita Luz); Roberto Arlt: along the path of Nietzsche and Freud (Clara Beter); 2001. Odyssey in the Suburbs (Indómita Luz); Bottom-up and towards the left. Social movements, autonomy and popular militancy (Cuarenta Ríos); Little black head. Essays on literature and Peronism (Punto de Encuentro); Montoneros Silvestres (1976-1983). Stories of resistance to the dictatorship in the southern suburbs (Planeta); Kamchatka: essays on politics and culture (Alción); From Cutral Có to Puente Pueyrredón, a genealogy of the Movements of Unemployed Workers (El colectivo editorial); co-author of Darío Santillán, the militant who gave body and soul (Planeta and Sudestada). Mariano writes in Perfil Cultura, El Argentino Diario and Revista Resistencias. He is a member of the cultural-communicational collective La luna con gatillo [The moon with trigger]. Affiliated with SIPREBA- Buenos Aires Press Union. Director of the Instituto Plebeyo, where he currently coordinates the Self-Managed School of Philosophy. He was Secretary of Culture of CISPREN, Córdoba Press Union and editor of “Acoplando”, the cultural magazine of the Metro-delegates of the Buenos Aires subway. He directed the collection of Essays, Training, and Debate Notebooks of the Generosa Frattasi Institute. He was a member of the National and Popular Thought Plant. He participated in the founding of the Félix Guattari Open Chair at the Workers’ University at the recuperated factory IMPA.
1) Popular economy: historical approach
The reorganization of the productive matrix introduced by the last dictatorship in Argentina and the consolidation of neoliberalism; the mutation in the working class, the displacement of the union struggle gravitational center from the factory to the social, territorial community organization, radicalized methods of struggle and the emergence of Piquetero Movement, social organizations during the cycle of progressive governments and the birth of popular economy as such.
2) Popular economy: conceptual approach
Class and pueblo [people] in Argentine culture; the notion of popular economy and its differences/similarities with the social and solidarity economy; the link with trade unions; the discussion on land-roof-work of the urban logic, and that of land for food sovereignty of rural organizations; community social reproduction and feminisms.
3) Mental health – market – State – Popular Movement
The experiences of Casa Pueblo and other care devices for young people with problematic consumption. The link with the State and professionals. What is developed in the territory? The new generations and the production of subjectivity.
4) New alliances in new contexts
The challenges of the union form and (social) movement form; the territorial, corporate, and political. Milei’s offensive and the political and social reordering in today’s Argentina. Activism, social militancy, politics, and state management. The parliamentary discussion, media, and the voices from below.
More links:
Museum of Impossible Forms is located 900m (10min walk) from Kalasatama Metro Station in the direction of Sompasaari. The nearest bus stop serves line No. 52 from Redi Itäväylä and leaves you 80m from our door.
The space is at ground level. It is free from accessibility thresholds, and has an accessible toilet.
Thu 11 Apr 2024 – 18 Apr 2024 18:00 – 21:00
clear sky
Address: Keinulaudankuja 4 E, 00940 Helsinki