
Helsinki Design Week: Fashion and New Materiality

Helsinki Design Week: Fashion and New Materiality




17:18 – 17:18


clear sky

Time: 11.9.2024 16.30 – 21.00
Address: Helsinki Design Week, Paasivuorenkatu 3
Language: English

Welcome to Helsinki Design Week for a programme on sustainable fashion and design. Nordic Culture Point has been a part of organising the day’s programme.

Paasivuorenkatu 3 is the main stage of Helsinki Design Week.

On Wednesday, 11 September, the topic is fashion and the creative opportunities for designers and business models made possible by new, sustainable materials. These topics will be discussed by some of the most interesting designers and thinkers in the Nordic countries.

16:30-17:30 Nordic fashion experts discuss the opportunities that emerging materials offer for designers’ creativity as well as for new business models in the industry. Joining the discussion are Maja Freiman, founder of the Swedish brand Main Nué, Icelandic designer Sól Hansdóttir, Finnish stylist Claudia Cifu, as well as doctoral researcher at Aalto university and designer Noora Yau. The discussion will be moderated by designer Anna Semi. The discussion is held in English.

18:00–19:00 Keynote. ALPHA organization’s director Ane Lynge-Jorlén will talk about the future of Nordic fashion design.

19:00–21:00 Music and mingle.

Wed 11 Sep 2024 Closed today


clear sky

Suomenlinna B 28
00190 Helsinki Finland