
Finnish Refugee Council & Julius Töyrylä: Koko kuva – The whole picture

Finnish Refugee Council & Julius Töyrylä: Koko kuva – The whole picture




09:00 – 20:00

Wed 11.1.2023 – Sun 26.2.2023
Stoan galleria, Turunlinnantie 1 , HelsinkiFree entry

The exhibition discusses the process of becoming a member of the Finnish society and the importance of human relationships when integrating into a new country.

This joint exhibition of the Finnish Refugee Council and Julius Töyrylä aims to diversify the one-sided image of and public discussion on immigration. There are persons and unique life stories behind the statistics that often go unseen and unheard. The exhibition asks what happens after arriving in Finland and what things make a new country feel like home.

Julius Töyrylä (b. 1989) works in the field of documentary and subjective photography and has been active in the field of art since his graduation from the Turku Arts Academy in 2018. Authenticity of events and subtle expression are important to him in photography.

The Finnish Refugee Council is the largest expert organisation in Finland specialising in refugee and migration issues.

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Fotos: Julius Töyrylä

Wed 11 Jan 2023 – 26 Feb 2023 09:00 – 20:00