
Sonja Salomäki: Farewell, fossil utopia!

Sonja Salomäki: Farewell, fossil utopia!




12:00 – 18:00

Wed 4.1.2023 – Sun 5.3.2023
Stoan galleria, Turunlinnantie 1 , HelsinkiFree entry

In the traditional Finnish raanu wall hangings by Sonja Salomäki, things and creatures, as well as the human involvement in the manifestations of the ecological crisis and their role in the ecosystem are unrestrainedly mixed together.

The era of plentifulness and limitless resources is behind us and now we are faced with the reality of our limited, warming and endangered planet. At the same time, daily life in Finland and other Western countries continues in a strangely contradictory manner, just like before, focussed on living in a fast, efficient and over-consuming reality.

The raanu wall hangings of the exhibition reflect this current contradictory mindset, in which a variety of coping mechanisms help us to deal with the harsh news of species becoming extinct and ecological disasters taking place in all corners of the world. It is comforting that so many people are worried and are trying to do something. Maybe all is not lost yet.

Wed 04 Jan 2023 – 05 Mar 2023 12:00 – 18:00