
Open Art Workshop: The Mysterious Eye

Open Art Workshop: The Mysterious Eye




15:39 – 15:39


clear sky

11:30 – 14:00
Aitio venue, 2nd floor

In this workshop, participants will use a mirror and a magnifying glass to examine their own eyes. Pay close attention: how many colours are there really in your eye? We will then draw gigantic irises on round paper, using our own eyes as model.

Held in EMMA’s Aitio space, the non-stop workshop welcomes participants of all ages at any time that suits you. It is open to everyone regardless of age, but children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Knowledge of Finnish language is not required.

Included in the museum entrance fee (20/10€, free entry for under 18-year-olds).

We accept the Museum Card.

Sat 21 Sep 2024 Closed today


clear sky

Ahertajantie 5
02100 Espoo