
Paavo Räbinä: BE BRAVE – BE STRONG

Paavo Räbinä: BE BRAVE – BE STRONG




12:00 – 17:00


broken clouds

The original idea of the exhibition was to address love and bring in color splendor, but then the world changed when Russia attacked Ukraine. I couldn’t bypass the humane suffering the war was causing, so it became a part of the exhibition.

The theme of the exhibition is to draw parallels between conflicts, including current ones, the distress and suffering of today. How a local conflict can influence people’s lives globally: it touches everyone of us.

What is the imagery of violence that we see every day on the television and what does it do to us? When is war justified? Where does war get its vitality from? What is my relationship to war?

My purpose in my artworks is to disclose the motives of the acts of hate, historical events, and the collective sensations arising from those events; what those feelings are, and to make the viewer more conscious about them as well.  

Through the artworks of the exhibition the viewer can release and expand their thoughts on war, violence, and suffering – the purpose of tragedy is to help understand, relate, and feel compassion towards our fellow people.

The message is simple: Please remember, don’t forget about me. Take a moment to step in my position and feel how I feel. It is not that hard, even though it seems to be the hardest thing in the whole world. 

Fri 16 Sep 2022 – 09 Oct 2022 12:00 – 17:00


broken clouds

Ruoholahdenranta 3a
Helsinki, Finland