
Sssimone Gaglione: We all Live Surrounded by Art

Sssimone Gaglione: We all Live Surrounded by Art




14:53 – 14:53

Fri 11.11.2022 – Sat 17.12.2022

Caisan galleria

Kaikukatu 4 B, Helsinki

Free entry

The goal of this exhibition is to question – through a lighthearted approach – the anthropocentric perspective on art and to heal part of our relationship with the natural environment.

Where is art? Are we humans the only artists on this planet? What if Water, Movement, Darkness, Death, Error (among others) have always been artists, just as us humans are? We would suddenly realize that we live in a constantly open and free museum. Or in a never-ending performance. Or in an infinite work of art. All the time, everywhere, there are works of art ready to please us.

The exhibition is an arbitrary and casual collection of art pieces from six different artists: Water, Movement, Darkness, Death, Error and People.

Pictures, videos, texts and artistic curation: Sssimone Gaglione.

Opening on 10 November, 17.00–19.30. Free entry.

Languages: Finnish and English.

Fri 11 Nov 2022 – 17 Dec 2022 Closed today