
Visual Atlas of the American MonsterPresentation by Mecha Coop & collaborators

Visual Atlas of the American MonsterPresentation by Mecha Coop & collaborators




13:11 – 13:11


few clouds

Saturday, 15th June 2024

Welcome to a presentation of the Visual Atlas of the American Monster (VAAM), a project initiated by Venezuela-based animation cooperative Mecha Coop. Echoing the style and format of XVI century Atlas depicting the colonisers’ accounts of the New World, the Visual Atlas of the American Monster presents a collection of “monstrous indigenous people of the Americas” who have been labelled as terrorists for defending their territories and resources in recent times. Instead of having a taxonomic and exoticizing intention like the colonial Atlas, the VAAM reappropriates the figure of the monster with the intention of positioning itself in solidarity with indigenous resistances.

During the presentation, the team will talk about the creative process and the research behind the Visual Atlas of the American Monster, as well as the expected outcomes of the project, which include a publication, an interactive experience and a series of exhibitions. This session brings together the participation of Jose Cáceres, Laura Devia, Adriana Domínguez, Rodrigo García and Carlos Zerpa. VAAM is currently in its development phase and is supported by @koneensaatio and @saariresidence

Sat 15 Jun 2024 Closed today


few clouds

Keinulaudankuja 4 E, 00940 Helsinki