
Walking bass tours for Penelope Umbrico’s exhibition

Walking bass tours for Penelope Umbrico’s exhibition




14:48 – 14:48



The Walking Bass tour brings acoustic music to K1’s exhibition space and Penelope Umbrico’s exhibition.

Ahti Lassila has a long history of working as a classical orchestral musician and he has also racked up experience in rhythm music by playing in bands. Since 2015, he has performed solo in site-specific concerts especially in art museums and exhibition spaces.

For Penelope Umbrico’s Learning from eBay exhibition, Ahti Lassila will compose site-specific motifs which he will work further on while stopping to play at different points in the exhibition space. The artworks, museum space and the soundscapes produced by Lassila’s acoustic double bass will create a whole new artistic experience for visitors.

Walking Bass tours at The Finnish Museum of Photography K1:

24 November 2022 at 5:30-6:00 PM
15 December 2022 at 5:30-6:00 PM

The audience can follow the tour in the exhibition space for as long as they wish.

Access with a museum admission ticket (12/6 € / Museum card).

During the event, a limited number of visitors can enter the exhibition space.

Thu 15 Dec 2022 Closed today



Kaapelitehdas, Tallberginkatu 1 G,
00180 Helsinki