Catalysti members, Nadja Pärssinen and Stephen Stamper welcome you to the Wanderlust event. During the event, there will be two performances, one by Nadja Pärssinen in collaboration with Stephen, and another by Chiara Alissa Estivariz Lopez, that explore the theme of Wanderlust. After the performances, there will be a short communal artist talk with chocolate and wine provided.
Kulttuurikeskus Sähinä
Heikkiläntie 10, Lauttasaari
FRIDAY 2.12.2022, 7 pm
(Evening last 1,5 hours)
10€ (Purchase via Holvi)
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In Let the wandering talk on its own behalf multidisciplinary dance piece, choreographer and dancer Nadja Pärssinen and sound artist Stephen Stamper has studied the wandering in a relation to the sound and video material works from the 12 hours of hiking in Trolltunga-hiking road in Norway. At the heart of the solo’s interdisciplinary work is to observe the choreographic thinking, moods, and longing that emerge from walking, bringing to light a relationship to vast natural landscapes, corporeality, mythologies, memories, and the use of technology pierced by a video camera lens.
What kind of things does wandering reveal and make visible, and how could it open up into an interdisciplinary entity, taking into account the natural environment and female corporeality? These are important questions for Pärssinen.
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“Thinking with vegetative bodies in 2436 meters above the sea” – moving microbial metacommunities is a transdisciplinary performance that evolved together with the sound designer Mélia Roger during the residency in the summer of 2021 at the non-profit association Alpine Research Station Furka (ALPFOR), initiated by the Master’s programme Transdisciplinarity in the Arts at Zurich University of Arts in Switzerland.
The focus of the research is the species of lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum, also known as the map lichen, which grows on bare rocks like on the Furkapass. In this performative encounter, Chiara has been guided by the natural habitat of the map lichen and has thus been able to establish a bond with the alpine environment. It opened up for both artists space for care and empathic listening of a such vegetative body in touch with the human body. This time the performer, Chiara Alissa Estivariz Lopez, will be extending and sharing her memory of exploration of the alpine environment, its biodiversity, and the behavior of alpine plants, and especially her bound to the map lichen.
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Nadja Pärssinen: www.npflowwow.com
Stephen Stamper: www.stephenchristopherstamper.com
Chiara Alissa Estivariz Lopez: www.ch-lo.com
Facebook Event Page: https://fb.me/e/7ndMbiu59
The event is supported by Taike – Arts Promotion Centre Finland